Finally finished my personal editing process on 13th Summer. Finally. When I originally wrote the first draft of this manuscript it went really fast. Many of the events are loosely based on real life experience, so the writing really flowed. As I began the revision process, I got caught up in editing grammar. Then I had some issues with continuity and so on. During this process I took a writing class through UFM here in Manhattan with Glenn Sixbury. I chose to read from 13th Summer for the class and was subsequently invited to another writing class that Glenn headed up. So, I started reading 13th Summer at this class, starting from chapter 1.
During the reading process, more questions came up. I took copious notes and never really started revising based on these notes. Well, two-years later, I finally got off my ass and decided that I needed to get this thing done. Tonight, I've finished the process. I'll print it out, have Andrea read through it and probably one other person just to make sure the story flows. If it does, I'll be sending it off to prospective agents and see if I get any bites. I'm excited and anxious at the same time. The submission process is rather gut-wrenching and the thought of rejection after putting in this much work on the manuscript is heartrending. I'll just have to hope for the best.
If you'd like a brief synopsis, please stop by:
That's all for now.
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